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Welcome to Our Special 2017 Year-End Gift Campaign

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You and I share a passion for living out the Good News of God and of His Son Jesus the Messiah in our generation, and for passing it on to the next.

That's why I am asking for your help in this year-end giving campaign.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

We believe our unique Judaic-Christian methodology is a gift from heaven. Remember, most followers of Jesus don't know what you know. They don't understand how the Testaments work together. That, in turn, affects how they think about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, salvation, discipleship, Torah, Israel, Church, Kingdom ... everything! We are particularly adept at introducing believers to this way of reading sacred Scripture. As such, we serve as a bridge to the church world. Please keep dreaming and partnering with us to reach every Christian—especially leaders and influencers—with teaching on how connecting with our covenant roots brings the Testaments together, releasing life-giving understanding that energizes biblical faith and practice. Together, we are making a difference.

Thank you for the many ways you have blessed us in 2017. I am asking you for special support at this time—from the money you already set aside to bless the work of the Kingdom. Our faith goal is 300 Haverim each donating $100 in our 2017 year-end giving campaign. Some cannot give that much; others can do more. If you are able, please prayerfully consider helping today. Thank you for joining us in the joy of giving.

Here is how to make a donation today ...

Just follow the three-step process below to donate using a

credit card, Paypal, or a bank transfer. As the lock in your address bar confirms, this page is encrypted. Also for your protection, no financial data is stored anywhere, ever.

Once your gift is processed, you will be taken directly to the new Parables Course by Dwight Pryor. Your donation confirmation email will also have the link to the class page. You do not have to give to receive. Please request access at

Your brother James, on behalf of your friends at JC Studies

Click here to watch a personal greeting from James

2018 is our 35th year of meaningful ministry.

Plans are underway to celebrate our good Father's faithfulness with a 35th Anniversary Foundations of Our Faith Conference July 25-27, 2018 in Dayton, Ohio (more details will be coming soon). I am excited because Dwight founded JC Studies on a series of Foundation of Our Faith conferences all those years ago. With the help of the Lord, here are our educational endeavors for the upcoming year.

"Congratulations, and כל הכבוד 'More power to you!' on all the progress and the many innovative ways of presenting and sharing the Center's tremendous wealth of teaching material!"

David Bivin, Jerusalem Perspective



Thank you for your donation. We are excited to give you early and exclusive online access to a new teaching series on Jesus' parables

by our founder Dwight Pryor. This rare archival footage of Dwight teaching is available to you until January 15, 2018.

Have you contributed in other ways and need access to the course? Send your request to

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Here is what we're working on for our 35th Anniversary year at The Center for Judaic-Christian Studies. Your financial generosity is a Kingdom investment that helps us,

1. Remaster and Re-present the One-of-a-kind Teaching Ministry of Dwight Pryor To a New Generation 

Our Founder, Dwight Pryor, was a pioneer and is still one of the most significant voices in the Hebraic Renewal Movement. His unique gifting was 1/3 professor, 1/3 prophet, and 1/3 pastor. His foundational video curriculum, Behold the Man! is now available to the world as an online course. 2018, our 35th anniversary year, will see—by the leading and help of the Lord—the launch of three more video classes by Dwight (Parables of Jesus, Unveiling the Kingdom, and, On This Rock). Also, we are remastering his catalog of over fifty audio seminars, tackling every biblical subject from our unique Judaic-Christian Perspective.*

2. Develop New Hebraic Heritage Resources

Our network of Judaic-Christian scholars bring expertise from their fields of research to shed additional light on Jesus, his Hebrew Bible, and the New Testament. Online courses like, Reading Revelation (Ron Herms) and Taken Out of Context (Tom Guilliams) went live in 2017. Planned for release in early Spring of 2018 is an incredible new class with Claire Pfann called, Following Jesus With Matthew (The Gospel's of Mark and Luke are next in the queue).

3. Take Our Resources To Bible Colleges & Churches In Under-Resourced Countries

Recently we have fielded inquiries from Bible Colleges and churches in South Africa, China, and some third world countries. They are starving for strong biblical teaching, to help counter the onslaught of errant teaching and cults who flood their countries with non-biblical theology. Many desire access to our educational resources, though they don't have the money. We do not turn down any honest request for help because we exist to teach how the first-century context in its original Jewish setting as the key to better understanding God's Word in every culture.

4. Reach and Teach Christian Educators Worldwide

Here is something to celebrate, we were recently approved as an educational content provider to the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). ACSI operates in over 100 countries with 23,900 schools servicing roughly 717,000 teachers. Every year, 20% of these teachers must take a Bible class from approved organizations, like us, to continue their certification with ACSI. Imagine if we could reach just 2% of all these teachers; that means 2,868 teachers would be taking one of our online classes! Yes, it is a big dream, but one worth working toward, wouldn't you agree?

5. Resurrect Our Missionary Spirit

Dwight laid the foundation of the Center for Judaic-Christian Studies by physically visiting small bible studies of five or six people, small churches, and yes, even larger ones. In the missional spirit of our founder, our passion is kindled to go as missionaries and itinerant rabbis to those who hunger for the original Jewish context of our Christian faith. No matter the size, we desire to get out of our offices, roll up our sleeves, and by faith go directly into the harvest field.

6. Host a 35-year Anniversary Foundations of Our Faith Conference

Did you know that 2018 is the Center for Judaic-Christian Studies 35th year of meaningful ministry? Plans are underway to celebrate our good Father's faithfulness with a Foundations of Our Faith Conference July 25-27 2018 in Dayton, Ohio (more details will be coming soon). I am excited because Dwight founded JC Studies on a series of conferences like these all those years ago. Yes, this event promises to be wonderful but more importantly, it has honed my thinking in answer to the big why we exist as an organization. What and how we serve becomes clear, for us, as we continue answering the questions, Why did the Holy One raise up and why does he sustain this mustard-seed ministry?

7. Be Ready for However the Spirit of Our King Directs Us

The bottom line for us is, Immanuel. That is the way we try to live each day, and that is the message we shout from the rooftops.

Thank you for partnering with us. Click here to give in our 2017 year-end fundraising campaign.

(Click here for a downloadable PDF document of our EOY 2017 information and 2018 goals)

Why not become a monthly partner? Not only does your regular giving sustain the mission, but it comes with a special account area and a library of amazing teaching resources refreshed each month. Click here to check it out.

* Our unique Judaic-Christian approach begins with the redeeming work of God's Son, the Jewish Messiah; source of salvation for every man, woman, and child. Jesus, in turn, leads us into his Scriptures (OT) to experience a more profound knowledge of our Father through the redemptive history of his people Israel. Together, by the Spirit, they lead us boldly forward into New Testament realities, offering each disciple a role in the redemptive partnership of the Father and the Son. In short, Jesus connects and embodies the Testaments. He is, in the language of our apostles, the Word made flesh. Immanuel!


Our three-step methodology takes only minutes to learn but a lifetime to explore and master. ~ James

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